New Restaurant Brings Texas State Fair Pie Shakes, Burgers to Irving

Scrumbscious Burgers and Pieshakes began with 14 leftover pies and an idea.

The holidays had ended, and Chris and Sherry Howard, who ran a small pie business at the time, were too tired of pie to eat one more bite.

So Sherry Howard threw a piece of pie into a blender, added vanilla ice cream and created the family’s first pie shake. Soon after, in 2010, the Howards opened Scrumbcious Burgers and Pieshakes in Mesquite before moving to a larger space in Forney.

The Howards have now introduced their pie shakes to Irving, where Scrumbcious opened in late February.

“Everyone loved pie shakes,” Chris Howard said. “They were a huge hit, really from the beginning.”

Chris Howard said they had been considering opening a second location for a while, but Scrumbscious is a vendor at the Texas State Fair, which requires about four months of work.

Read the full story at Dallas Morning News.