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On behalf of our more than 2,000 member-investors, The Greater Irving-Las Colinas Chamber of Commerce serves as a vigorous, dedicated and effective advocate for our city’s business industry.

We understand that public policy directly impacts businesses and their ability to operate. From funding workforce development programs and supporting our students and teachers to providing access to quality healthcare and funding critical infrastructure, legislation is integral to keeping our state and our region economically competitive. The Chamber uses an integrated approach to develop our policy positions and collaborate with various stakeholders and organizations to effectively advocate for these key business initiatives.

Below are the Chamber’s current 88th Texas Legislative Session Priorities:


  • Maintain the current level of funding for the Texas Enterprise Fund (TEF).
  • Support economic development
    programs to enhance our ability to compete for more business investment in Texas.
  • Oppose discriminatory legislation that would damage Texas’ business-friendly reputation and support legislation that promotes equity and inclusion.
  • Protect small business by opposing legislation that would lead to overly burdensome regulations including, but not limited to, destination sourcing.
  • Support an INFORM bill with language comparable or very similar to the Federal INFORM Consumers Act Bill S.
  • 936 that directs online marketplaces to verify high-volume, third-party sellers to combat organized retail crime.


  • Support public school funding methods based on average daily enrollment, outcomes and accountability.
  • Reform public school testing to measure all areas of student performance.
  • Oppose any effort to divert public education funds for private school use.
  • Support funding and programs to improve school security and promote mental health of all students.
  • Improve postsecondary educational attainment through the Texas Higher Education Coordinating Board’s Building a Talent Strong Texas initiative.
  • Increase funding for Texas Workforce Commission’s Skills Development Fund Programs.
  • Support comprehensive community college finance reform through state investment and workforce alignment.
  • Expand available workforce through the removal of barriers including childcare access.
  • Support funding for the Texas Equalization Grant Program.
  • Support workplace violence prevention and protection programs.


  • Expand Medicaid to address the expected increased need of pre-natal care and critical care for moms and babies.
  • Support access to healthcare for all and increased coverage for the under and uninsured.
  • Support increased funding, access and tools to population health management and behavioral health.
  • Support appropriations to address critical shortage of physicians, nurses and behavioral health professional including graduate medical education.


  • Support measures and funding to ensure the electric grid will reliably serve the needs of Texans.
  • Support Public-Private Partnerships (PPPs) between government and private enterprise to address our infrastructure needs more efficiently.
  • Support the implementation of an equitable statewide broadband plan.
  • Revise road user fee structures to appropriately charge alternative fuel and electric/hybrid vehicles for road use.
  • Support the innovation of initiatives including autonomous vehicle infrastructure for better mobility.
  • Support the implementation of water management strategies included in the Texas State Water Plan including the Unique Reservoir Site designation for Marvin Nichols Reservoir.