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2023-2024 Chamber Annual Report

2022-2023 Chamber Annual Report

2023 - 2028 ILCCC Strategic Plan

2021-2022 Chamber Annual Report

2020-2021 IEDP Annual Report

2018-2023 Strategic Initiatives

Powering progress
For You. Through You. With You.

Alan Lakein, a well-known author and management expert, said, “Planning is bringing the future into the present so that you can do something about it now.” Strategic planning is hard work. Fortunately, the Chamber has the benefit of an exceptional pool of talent and knowledge from our own member-investors and staff who have contributed to the collective vison and ideas reflected in this five-year Chamber Strategic Plan. This thorough process ensures that the Chamber has the right priorities and tools for what we anticipate will be a dynamic period of growth and change. We want to thank all who committed their time and frank input to this important process, especially the Strategic Visioning Committee Chairman, Michael Christopher.

The underlying purpose of this strategic plan is to enhance the Chamber’s relevance and value for member-investors, the community, our economy and for you. The close collaboration between the Chamber, its member-investors and city leaders, has created a powerful environment for businesses of every size and industry – from start-ups to global corporations. Additionally, this strategic plan acknowledges that healthy growth and prosperity is essential for the wellbeing of the whole community – its businesses, institutions, workers, residents and visitors.

Every day, this Chamber tackles an infinite array of challenges with finite resources. We advocate for public policies for businesses and the community, provide valued programming to employers, market Irving-Las Colinas across the globe and shape the kind of place we want to live and work. We need a strategic plan that’s flexible, but we also need a road map to keep us on course as we provide services, programs and share the Irving-Las Colinas story as a diverse, businessfriendly city with exceptional attributes.

Powering Progress 2018-2023 establishes four strategic directions that were identified time and time again during the planning process: People, Place, Position and Impact. The Chamber will integrate these priorities into our long-standing operating principles: leadership excellence, collaborative partnerships, professional integrity and, of course, quality, which is built on continuous improvement.

2022-2023 Prospectus