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University Of Dallas In Irving Receives Highest Grade For Core Curriculum And Cultivating Passion For Lifelong Learning

The University of Dallas is one of only 24 institutions nationwide, and one of only five Catholic institutions, to receive an “A” grade from the American Council of Trustees and Alumni (ACTA) in its 2021–22 What Will They Learn? report, an annual assessment of over 1,100 general education programs.

Unlike traditional ranking systems, What Will They Learn?® assesses the core academic requirements at over 1,130 four-year institutions that together enroll more than 8 million undergraduate students. Grades are assigned based on whether colleges and universities require all students to take courses in seven priority subject areas as part of their general education programs. Those subjects, identified as critically important to a 21st century college education by ACTA’s Council of Scholars, are: composition, literature, (intermediate-level) foreign language, U.S. government or history, economics, mathematics and natural science. UD has received an “A” grade every year since ACTA began the annual report in 2009.

Presented by Irving Weekly