Fluor Joint Venture Receives Final Notice-to-Proceed On I-35E Phase 2 Project in Dallas

Irving-based Fluor Corporation announced on Tuesday that Lone Star Constructors, its joint venture with Austin Bridge & Road, has been granted final notice-to-proceed by the Texas Department of Transportation (TxDOT) that releases the full contract value and positions the venture for construction to begin on Phase 2 in summer of 2022 for the Interstate 35E, according to a news release.

The Fluor-led team (NYSE: FLR) was initially awarded the contract for this project in July 2021 and booked its share of the approximately $640 million contract value in the third quarter of 2021.

Phase 2 of the I-35E project goes from Interstate 635 in Dallas to the Denton County line in Carrollton. The 6.3-mile design-build project includes full reconstruction and expansion of six existing lanes to eight with new auxiliary lanes at the entrance and exit ramps, along with the reconstruction of frontage roads along the corridor. Two existing reversible toll lanes will also be reconstructed. The project’s anticipated completion is early 2026.

Read the full story at Dallas Business Journal.