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Irving-Based Hyosung America Launches ATMs for the Future in Cash, Crypto, Gaming, and More

Once upon a time, it seemed miraculous to stick a card in a machine and get back a fistful of twenties. But today people expect a lot more from an ATM—and Irving-based Hyosung America just launched some new products to deliver it.

Since it entered the North American market in 1998, Hyosung says it’s grown from the largest provider of ATMs in the U.S. to offering what it calls “best-in-class” technology solutions in the cash management and payments realm.

North America is a key strategic market for the global company. Hyosung America, which moved its headquarters to expanded offices in Las Colinas in late 2020, is focused on ensuring that its product is relevant for today’s market, and beyond, it said at the time.

Its four newly launched machines offer benefits including “immersive touchscreens”; the ability to make cryptocurrency purchases; cash in/cash out features for payments, gaming, and more. They also have improved security baked in, with some featuring NFC readers, barcode scanners, and “ticket-in and ticket-out features.”

Read the full story at Dallas Innovates.